That better communications can improve decisions. Some applications business email list of this type are: business objects IBM Cognos Oracle Hyperion Information Builders WebFOCUS microstrategy pentaho The balanced scorecard (CMI). The Balanced Scorecard (BSC ) , also known as Balanced Scorecard ( BSC ) or dashboard, is a business control tool that allows establishing and monitoring the objectives of a company and its different areas or units. For this reason, it helps business email list a company to express the objectives and initiatives necessary to comply with its strategy, continuously showing when the company and its employees achieve the results defined in its strategic plan.
The BSC therefore requires managers to analyze the business email list market and the strategy to build a business model that reflects the interrelationships between the different components of the company. Types of Dashboards: The Operational Control Panel (CMO), is a control tool focused on the monitoring of operational variables, that is, variables belonging business email list to specific areas or departments of the company. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC), on the other hand, represents the execution of a company's strategy from the point of view of the General Management (which means business email list that it must be fully involved in all its phases, from definition to the implantation).
There are different types of balanced scorecards, although business email list the most used are those based on the Kaplan & Norton methodology. Its main characteristics are: The financial perspective incorporates the vision of the shareholders and measures the value creation of the company. The customer's perspective reflects the company's position in the market or, more specifically, in the market segments where it wants to compete. The internal perspective collects indicators of internal processes that are critical for positioning in the market and for bringing business email list the strategy to fruition.