International Childhood Cancer Day: research projects

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International Childhood Cancer Day: research projects

Beitragvon iebpharma380 » Di 4. Jun 2024, 15:02

The International Childhood Cancer Organization (CCI) proposed to commemorate International Childhood Cancer Day every February 15 to raise awareness among the population, as well as encourage research into cancers that affect children and adolescents, a work that we at the Spanish Cancer Association support to help increase the survival rate of this type of tumors and improve the quality of life of patients.

In 2023, the estimated incidence of cancer in children , in the age group 0 to 14, stood at 949 diagnoses, which means that nearly a thousand boys and girls are diagnosed with cancer annually in our country . Therefore, it is essential to commemorate International Childhood Cancer Day by giving visibility to these patients.

According to data from our Observatory , in 2023, the tumors Tofacent 5mg (Tofacitinib) that were most diagnosed in children aged 0-14 years were:

Ranking of new cases by type of childhood cancer
Source: Cancer Observatory .


In addition to increasing the survival rate of these types of cancer, it is essential to obtain less aggressive treatments , since current therapies often leave serious consequences in pediatric patients. Added to this challenge is the difficulty that childhood cancers are rare tumors , which makes their research more difficult. Therefore, collaboration between research groups and establishing international alliances to share samples, data and information that allow faster progress is essential.

On this International Childhood Cancer Day, from the Spanish Association Against Cancer, we want to highlight the role of researchers who, with our support, are carrying out research projects to improve the treatment and diagnosis of childhood tumors. In total, we support research into childhood cancer through 30 projects in development with a contribution of €7.5 million.
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Di 4. Jun 2024, 14:55

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